last modified July 4th, 2005
A Video of a drive through Dolinsk, taken by Johann Funk (Warendorf) in 2002. Duration - 22.41, size - 58.8 MB. It can be played via Windows Media Player. We had to compromise between the size of the file and the quality. |
The "Neu Samara am Tock (1890-2003)"-book as pdf-file (14.5 MB). The usual copyrights should be considered, in particular no commercial use without asking. Published in Warendorf, Germany by Neu Samara Verlag. The first part has been written by Neu-Samarians emigrated in 1920s to Canada . It was published already in 1964. The new edition was completed for the years after 1930. This work has been done by a committee in Warendorf. This book contains many pictures and recollections of former inhabitants of Neu Samara. The foundation and development of Neu Samara is described from a lot of points of view. We have used it as one of the main sources.
"Die Ostsiedlung der preußischen Mennoniten im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert" (German) by Andreas Sawadsky as pdf-file , "The settlement in the east of Prussian Mennonites in 18th and 19th century" - research paper (for school - Ratsgymnasium in Minden) by Andreas Sawadsky. Content: reasons for and beginning of emigration to Russia. |