Genealogy and local history
Manitoba Mennonite
Historical Society
A Canadian website, deals with history of Mennonites.
There is many genealogical information on West Prussia, Molotschna and
Willi Vogt.
Mennonite Genealogical Research
A German website, deals with history of Chortitza. There
are maps of almost each village in Chortitza. Author's main focus is
collecting and publishing of genealogical sources on Chortitza and
Yazykovo. He has already data of more then 11,000 persons.
- Shdanowka
A private German web site by David Krahn about Shdanowka, a
village from the
Orenburg colony.
- Kitschkas
A German web site about Kitschkas, an other
village from the
Orenburg colony.
- Iwanowka
A private German web site by Waldemar Penner about the Mennonite
village of Iwanowka in Westsibiria, 120 km west of Omsk.
- Plautdietsch
Freunde e.V.
The official homepage of Plautdietsch Friends Society:
Plautdietsch-Freunde e.V.
was founded in Oerlinghausen, Germany, in 1999, with the goal of
documenting, nurturing, and promoting the Plautdietsch language.
Plautdietsch is a West Prussian variety of Low German which emerged
approximately 450 years ago in the Vistula delta area of what is now
Poland. Speakers of Plautdietsch who emigrated from Western Prussia
through Southern Russia (present-day Ukraine), and who now live in
Germany, Canada, Paraguay, and other parts of the world, are also known
as "Russian Mennonites." Through its web resources and its journal
Plautdietsch Frind, Plautdietsch-Freunde offers an international forum
for all those who speak, read, write, or simply have an interest in the
- Opplautdietsch
A private German web site by Viktor Sawatzki - "Viktor, von
Sewen" - mainly in Plautdietsch, with an extensive collection of
Plautdietsch poems, among others by Heinrich
Dück too.
Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online, provides reliable, freely-available English-language information on Anabaptist-related congregations, denominations, conferences, institutions and significant individuals, as well as historical and theological topics. Secular subject articles from an Anabaptist perspective and full-text source documents are also included.
- Wikipedia
the free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. There are already some articles on Mennonites.