PhotosIn this segment of our web site a photo collection about Neu Samara should come into being. Besides, we are also depended on the help of the visitors. Therefore, we ask all which still have at home interesting photos, to give them us. Every donator will be thankfully mentioned. At the moment we have only the pictures of Elvira Nachtigall, a former teacher in Dolinsk, Alexander Wittenberg, Johann Funk, Dr. Katharina Neufeld, Neil Nickel, Valentina Nickel, Vanessa Black, Waldemar and Nadine Sukkau, Alexej Reimer, Johann Walde, Peter Bergmann, Kathie Giesbrecht and Ira Fertsch, Olga Heide we would like to thank them. In addition photos from the book "Neu Samara am Tock" and remained, not published images, were contributed by Johann Funk. With the photos after 1991/1992 should be considered that most ethnic German inhabitants have emigrated since then to Germany. The today's state of the buildings is not necessarily the same as before the emigration. Also some new buildings have been build. | |
Old mennonite worship house. Today primary school. Early 1930-s. | Donskoj
Employees of Luxemburgselsoviet office. Early 1930-s | Donskoj
The former worship house of the Donskoj Mennonite Brethren congregation, built in 1908, closed in 06.01.1931. Since then the village school. | Donskoj
The first leader (1910 – 1922) Donskoj Mennonite Brethren congregation, minister Johann Braun with his wife Katharina nee Willms.They came in the late 1890s to Donskoj from Konteniusfeld, Molotschna. | Donskoj
| Donskoj
| Donskoj
| Donskoj
| Donskoj
| Donskoj
Hermann Klassen ( 2nd row , left) and his siblings. Front row left sits Anna Klassen, she married David Günther. Immigrited to Canada before her brother Hermann. 2nd row from left: Elisabeth Fast and Hermann Klassen ( here not married yet), his brother Peter Klassen with his wife Maria (nee Friesen), Susanna Klassen (Hermann′s sister, she married David Wiens). Back row from left: Maria Fast (sister of Elisabeth), 3 brothers of Elisabeth Fast, Margaretha Klassen (Hermann′s sister, married Franz Martens). | Donskoj
Kornelius Fast (1907-2003) and his wife Katharina (nee Nickel 1909-1992) | Donskoj
Kornelius Fast (1907-2003) and his wife Katharina (nee Nickel 1909-1992) | Donskoj
Maria (nee Friesen) Klassen - funeral picture with Husband Peter Klassen and his family | Donskoj
MTS, later RTS, today Selkhostekhnika on the former yard of Jakob Wittenberg. 1960s ? | Donskoj
To the east of Donskoj a big car workshop was built of Pleschanowo barns and was fitted out with 1.5 and 3 tons trucks which drove the grain to Sorotschinsk and brought on the way back fuels and other. | Donskoj
Peter Gerhard Fast (born July 3, 1861 in Tiegerweide, Molotschna, deceased August 3, 1949 in Donskoj, Neu Samara) and his second wife Susanna (nee Rempel 1863-1939), widow of Peter Peter Klassen | Donskoj
Pig slaughter at Johann Janzen. Here the tasty liverwurst is mended. To the dinner they come already ready on the table. In the picture from the left Johann Janzen with his wife Raissa and sister-in-law Elisabeth Janzen. | Donskoj
Pig slaughter at Peter Fast. There three men are needed to lay such a pig on the side. Then a loop was laid around the upper jaw, with the left foot one rose on the rope and the pig could be killed with a cut off knife. | Donskoj
Sitting Peter Abram Wittenberg (In 1937 in Sorotschinsk during the questioning in the NKVD, secrete police, properly murdered), standing Franz Jakob Evert. | Donskoj
Daughters of Peter and Maria (nee Friesen) Klassen. Magdalena, the oldest, is on the left - on the right, is Marichen, the second oldest - Anna, the youngest, is in the middle. | Donskoj
| Donskoj
Workshop of MTS (motor tractor station) | Donskoj
Yard of Abram Wittenberg, his family and servants. Early 20th century. | Donskoj
Yard of Jakob Wittenberg | Donskoj
Yard of Jakob Wittenberg. Later MTS and Selchostechnika. | Donskoj
Funeral of Peter Klassen (1853-1908), on the very left is his son Hermann Klassen, 4th from the right is his widow Susanne (nee Rempel) 1908 | Donskoj
Choir of Donskoj Mennonite Brethren congregation. Conductor Peter Fast from Annenskoje ( in the picture left) missing in Stalins dungeons since 1937. 1920 | Donskoj
Bible school in Donskoj in 1923, in 1925 transfered to Lugowsk. Four teachers (in front sitting from left): Peter Görtz from Donskoj, Cornelius Klassen from Kamenez, Bernhard Bergen from Pleschanow and Abraham Martens (chair with the bible – he was ill on this day) gave lessons. 1923 | Donskoj
Family Isaak Klassen on the wedding of Cornelius und Elisabeth in summer of 1925: from left to the right - 1st row: Gerhard and Katharina Klassen, Cornelius Klassen (bride groom) und Witwe Wittenberg nee Klassen Elisabeth (bride), Katharina Giesbrecht nee Klassen, Johann Klassen, Bernhard Klassen, 2nd row: Helene (2x) nee Klassen and Peter Dück, Aron Peters nee Klassen, Anna nee Rempel, Isaak Klassen Senior, Isaak Klassen Junior, Elisabeth Friesen nee Klassen, Maria Giesbrecht nee Klassen, David Klassen, Heinrich Giesbrecht. The photos of Helene, Aron, Isaak Senior, Elisabeth and David are inserted afterwards. 1925 | Donskoj
Klassen siblings: Bernhard, Maria, Cornelius (bridegroom) and Isaak. 1925 |